Bug fixes ----- contrary to fruit 2.0, fruit 2.1 checks the legality of the hash-table move before playing it. this could make fruit 2.0 crash in rare occasion (like once every 10000 games). this means that if fruit 2.1 crashes, the bug is somewhere else.. Full acces to the folder: chess engines - about 3000 files! if you do not want to wait a long time for download - donate a minimum of 10$, enter your email - you will gain full access to the folder with chess engines.. Open source chess engine based on fruit 2.1 sources and other's people modifications that plays fun and aggressive games.
Guide to use of winboard chess engines,covers places to download chess engines,uci,crafty ,chessmaster and fritz. winboard and chess engines faq section a - introduction section a fruit 2.1 is probably the strongest chess program that you can find the source available.while crafty by robert hyatt is the first strong open source winboard engine.. Fruit is available for free for windows, linux and mac os x (intel and powerpc). the latest version is fruit 2.3 from ryan benitez, only available for windows. it is based on fruit 2.2.1 with further development from ryan benitez.. After brand new engine senpai 1.0, fruit reloaded 2.1 has also found its android compile. unfortunately, due to gcc compiler issues, this one can't use multi cores..